Traditional West Javanese Arts : SoalSekolahmu

Get to know Western Javanese folk songs, musical instruments and their arts


Regional arts are the culture of the nation, so they must be preserved, including Western Javanese folk songs and various other arts.  Each region has its own distinctive songs, music and arts. The characteristics of song lyrics and music sometimes have similarities, but they will be different from each other.

Usually, the typical songs and music of a region are a description of the history, natural landscapes, culture, food and customs of the region. There is always the meaning of every song, music and art of a region of the country that provides education to the younger generation.

In the archipelago, it is very easy to find folk songs because every region has them. Not just songs, but folk dances, musical instruments, as well as artistic performances that unite songs, musical instrument games and dances. Unfortunately, its existence is now being eroded by modernization.

Already many folk songs have been forgotten, defeated by modern art. West Java songs are increasingly marginalized to replace contemporary music.  Local music and art are indeed considered ancient and unpleasant by the current generation. Therefore, it is necessary to sensitize young people to love the arts of their own region.

This time we have information about musical instruments, songs and regional arts so that you can know a little about the richness of the art of our homeland. By getting to know the artsand regions  , you may be able to cultivate a love for the musical products of your own country.

Folk songs of West Java

As a simple people who hold the future of the nation, you don’t just have to learn science and technology. These two things are essential to building the future of the nation and the well-being of the people. However, it is not inferior to the importance of appreciating and maintaining the culture of the nation.

There are many ways to preserve the culture of the nation. Even if you don’t directly master various arts and struggle in this area, you can still preserve the local arts by getting to know and know them.  Some of the songs originating in West Java are:

  1. Manuk Dadali

This song is one of the songs that is still very well known. In the lyrics, he describes the figure of the garuda bird (Manuk Dadali) which is the emblem of the country today as a charismatic and gallant bird capable of flying high in the vast sky. This illustrates the glory of Indonesia.


  1. Ice wax

Ice candles are a typical food of Bandung. However, the lyrics of this song describe the heart of a girl where, in front of a man, one must always be careful, especially when choosing a life partner.


  1. Bubuy Moon

The lyrics of this song also describe the heart of a girl, but in a state of grief because of having been abandoned by her lover and one day finding someone with a look in the eyes similar to her lover.


  1. Cing Cang Keling

In the lyrics of this song you will find a representation of a human heart that is easily shaken and spins like a wave in the ocean.


  1. Tokecang

Every song lyrics always has meaning, one of which is Tokecang who describes a human being with an greedy, greedy, greedy nature, and unwilling to share with others.

Traditional West Java musical instruments

Various musical instruments from bandung city province also deserve special attention to be maintained and preserved from their existence. Some musical instruments may have similarities with other regions, which is natural given the  adjacent  wilayah and similar cultures.  Here is an example of traditional West Javanese music:

  1. Karinding

There are 2 types of karinding, namely for men and women. For men, bamboo will be used as a base material, palm leaves will be used for karinding for women. The playermust reachhis hand by hitting one side of him to make a noise and blow it at the same time.


  1. Calung

Calung is able to make melodious sounds and is often played during artistic performances. How to play it with a bat. This musical instrument is made from bamboo, both for the body and the drummer.


  1. Flute

This typical Sundanese flute is usually an accompaniment to Western Javanese songs. There are four to six holes to control the melody and produce a distinctive sound as it is made of bamboo.


  1. Harp

There are two types of harps, namely Indung and Rincik. The lyre of the Indung (parent) has strings of 18-20 and large sizes. This instrument became the leader of the Detailk (child) harp which was played as a filler for the break between the notes of the Indung harp.


  1. Celempung

This instrument relies on the sound from inside the bamboo sticks to produce a sound pleasing to the ear. In the areas of Celempung, it is played at night during cultural performances.

Traditional West Javanese Arts

In addition to songs originating from West Java, there are also various other arts such as dances and artistic performances. One of them is a mask dance based on a folk story about Sunan Gunung Jati, the ruler of Cirebon City, facing the attack of Prince Welang.

There is also a Peacock dance which, as the name suggests, is inspired by peacocks. This dance will be accompanied by gamelan and will feature several dancers with graceful movements and a beat. Peacock dancers always use the crown when Imperagakannya, karen means the symbol of the peacock.

Have you ever heard of rengkong art? This  local kesenia n is a performance inspired by the procedures of the Sundanese people to plant rice for harvest. He first appeared in 1964 in Cianjur Regency. Until now, it is still often played in cultural parks and other places of artistic performance.

There is also the art of horse agglomeration which is very often practiced in the Java region and in various other parts of Indonesia. Group horse shows are most often performed and watched by the public. This art has a mystical flavor, as the dancer is a possessed person who rides a wooden horse and then dances accompanied by drum beats.

Cultural performance venues in West Java

If you want to listen to the singing of various songs from West Java , you can visit the places wherecultural performances take place. There are several places that are often used as a place to play folk songs and various other arts. These places are used as a place for the inhabitants of West Java to express their artistic expertise while maintaining the preservation of art.

One of the places you can visit is taman Budaya which is located in Bukit Dagi Selatan. Locals and tourists alike can come and watch art performances in the West Jawab area, ranging from singing local songs, musical instruments and artistic performances.

Every week there is always a special agenda for artistic performances that can be enjoyed by all circles, even foreign tourists also come to see first-hand how beautiful the culture of the country is. In addition to the local culture of West Java, a variety of other Indonesian regional arts are also on display.

You can also visit the Daya Sunda Art Context in the area of the Taman Sari Bandung Zoo. This place usually offers a variety of regional dances, martial arts shows, gamelan and other shows. There are at least 20 artists who perform every week.


As a child of the nation that will determine the future of Indonesia, you must love the national culture, both of your own region and of other regions. By getting to know various regional arts, musical instruments and Western Javanese songs,  you can cultivate a love for the art and culture of the nation.
